Firework Format

If a component of RoyalCommands states that it supports firework format, then it will use the format detailed below as an argument.


Firework format is a system of keys and values, set up like key:value.

color* Color of the initial firework explosion
fade Color of the fading firework
shape* Shape of the explosion
effect Effects to be applied to the explosion
power How high the firework goes (each level is one half-second)

* - This tag is required.

  • color/fade
    • red
    • green
    • white
    • yellow
    • aqua
    • black
    • teal
    • purple
    • fuchsia
    • orange
    • gray
    • olive
    • maroon
    • lime
    • navy
    • rgb
      • #,#,#
    • bgr
      • #,#,#
  • shape
    • ball
    • large_ball
    • star
    • creeper
    • burst
  • effect
    • flicker
    • trail
  • power
    • # (0 - 128)

An example firework format could be shape:ball color:red fade:green power:2 or shape:star color:rgb:255,255,255 fade:black effect:trail effect:flicker power:1.