
Adjusts maps.
/map [subcommands]
  • rcmds.map
Version Added

In Depth

/map provides the ability to modify aspects and details of a map item. Only the map in a player’s hand can be modified. Running one of the below commands without extra arguments will provide you with example values. The entire command (and all available subcommands) are covered by the rcmds.map permission.

/map help - Displays an ingame list of available arguments. /map scale [scaletype] - Sets the scale of the map in hand. Accepts closest, close, normal, far and farthest as valid scales. Can alternatively be accessed via scaling, setscale and setscaling. /map position [x] [z] - Sets the center position of the map in hand. Cannot be a decimal. Can alternatively be accessed via reposition, pos, repos, setposition, setpos, coords, coordinates, setcoords and setcoordinates. /map lock - Sets the lock status of the map in hand /map tracking - Sets if tracking should be used on the map in hand. /map unlimited - Sets if unlimited tracking should be used on the map in hand. /map world [world] - Changes the world displayed by the map in hand. Can alternatively be accessed via setworld. /map info - Displays information about the map in hand. Can alternatively be accessed via getinfo, information and getinformation.


/map scale closest - Sets the map to the closest scale.
/map position 0 0 - Centers the map on the coordinates 0x and 0z.
/map world survival - Set’s the map to display the survival world.