
Changes where your compass points.
/compass [reset/here/location/player] (x y z/player)
  • rcmds.compass
Version Added

In Depth

/compass is a tool that enables a compass to point somewhere other than a spawn point.

/compass reset will reset the compass to point at a bed or spawn location.

/compass here will position the pointer of the compass to point at the location of the command sender.

/compass player [player] sets the compass to point at [player]’s location.

/compass location [x] [y] [z] sets the compass to point at the coordinates [x], [y], [z] in the sender’s current world.


/compass player Notch - Sets the sender’s compass to point at Notch.
/compass location 0 1 2 - Sets the sender’s compass to point at the coordinates 0, 1, 2.

This command supports online name-completion.