
Assigns a command to a certain block.
/assign [subcommand]
/as, /pt, /powertool
  • rcmds.assign
  • assign.lore_and_display_names
  • assign.durability
Version Added

In Depth

/assign add allows for commands to be “assigned” to items. If the command is run while holding an item, clicking with that item will execute the command. The [command] argument should not contain the first / of a command.

/assign add also allows for chat messages to be “assigned” to items, as well. A chat message should be prefixed with c: when being used for the [command] argument.

assign.lore_and_display_names and assign.durability can be set to determine whether the command will differentiate between items with different display names (and lore) and different durabilities.


/assign add jump - This will assign /jump to the item in the player’s hand, allowing them to click and teleport to the block he is looking at.

/assign add c:Hello! - This will assign the chat message Hello! to the item in the player’s hand, allowing them to click and say Hello!.

/assign list - This will return the current commands/messages assigned to the item in the player’s hand.

/assign remove 1 - This will remove the command/message in slot 1 of the item in the player’s hand.

/assign - This will remove all the commands/messages assigned of the item in the player’s hand.